How to Swap on Swap V3?

You will know how to Swap through it.

1/ Enter; if you encounter the infinity loading, you may need to unlock the wallet first, such as the Plug wallet

2/ Enter Swap V3 and click to open the corresponding liquidity page. If you want to visit Swap V2, please click the "Swap V2" button to go to the Swap V2 page and liquidity page. In addition, the Wrap function is to Wrap ICP into WICP (Swap V2 uses WICP to trade)

3/ We click the "Swap V3" button to return to the Swap V3 page, select the token to trade, take XTC as an example, enter 0.2 ICP, and the corresponding XTC price and the amount will appear. When this token has liquidity in Swap V2, The corresponding liquidity can be seen

4/ We click the "Swap" button to confirm the Swap order for the second time, and then we will see the Swap process

NOTE: If you use a wallet such as Plug, during the transaction process, there will be one or more pop-ups asking you to confirm the Swap order

5/ If you have network reasons or have turned off the wallet pop-up due to mistakes, causing the Swap transaction to fail, please click "Withdraw your unused tokens from Swap pools" on the page, find the tokens stored in the Swap Pools canister, and then claim them

6/ This is the transaction record displayed by "IC NETWORK STATUS"( As shown, order 1 and order 2 have closed the wallet pop-ups, and the transaction failed, but ICP has been transferred to Swap Pools.

Order 3 is a successful transaction, ICP is transferred to Swap Pools, and the account received the corresponding XTC.

Order 4 is the record of claiming ICP, two transactions with a total of 0.4 ICP from 2 failed transactions

P.S. We found that sometimes the tokens of failed transaction orders will not appear on the "Withdraw your unused tokens" page due to display problems. Please try a successful transaction of the same trading pair again (any small amount), and then open this page again. Tokens for failed orders will be found (Update Jan 16: This has been fixed.)

Last updated