How to mint/dissolve ckBTC

How to mint ckBTC

  1. Open the ICPSwap wallet, select ckBTC, and click either 'Mint' or 'ck-Bridge'.

  1. Transfer from your Bitcoin wallet to the address provided below. After the transfer is successfully completed, your BTC will automatically convert into ckBTC.

NOTE: This process usually takes about an hour.

  1. View Transaction history.

How to dissolve ckBTC

  1. Open ICPSwap wallet, select ckBTC, and click either 'Dissolve' or 'ck-Bridge'.

  1. Enter the BTC receiving address after dissolution and amount you want to dissolve for, then select "Confirm"

NOTE: This process usually takes about an hour.

  1. Dissolve successfully. Now, check your BTC receiving address.

  1. View transaction history.

Last updated